The Best Source Of News And Information We Get From The Island Now
Blank slate media is one the best publishers for six award-winning newspapers, which come out weekly on Nassau County, Long Island, and the website The Island Now. Blank slate media is one of the fastest-growing media firms that serves the North Shore of Nassau County with the best digital publications, prints, and live events. The number one website and the firm’s six newspapers make sure not to disappoint their audience by coming out with the best reading material for entertainment and information.
Combined with their partners who are into an advertisement, Limor publications which are the group’s 11 papers, help make this available with very effective methods on saving cost both on Nassau County and North Shore.
Talking about The Island Now website page, it quite easy to understand what all they offer. They have various tabs for making things easier. The news tab gives access to all six newspapers with in-depth information. You have the opinion tab where a person can submit or read the opinions of people. The lifestyle tab tells us all about different areas and blogs to explore. They have a contest tab where all the latest contests and winners are posted. Not forgetting the subscription tab to subscribe or renew.
The events tab shows the latest events, whereas the legal notice tab gives authority to write a legal notice or search for one. Advertise tab is self-explanatory, and lastly, the contact tab where there is company information, numbers to contact, and the career section for internships and jobs. One of the best sources of information someone could get is from here. Therefore, it is very important to go through each tab if one is interested in exploring more about it.